No, Multiply is much more than that!
Multiply is a new government-funded programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills.
Numeracy is the about feeling confident in using maths in daily life, home, and work. Whether that be improving household finances, helping children with homework, making more sense of the statistics and facts in the media, or improving numeracy skills specific to work.
Nationally there will be a range of courses available to adults who are looking to enter employment, progress at work or get support with everyday financial tasks.
If you are aged 19 and over and don’t have maths GCSE at grade C (or equivalent) or don't feel confident with maths, you can access FREE numeracy courses through Multiply to build your confidence with numbers or to gain a qualification.
Good numeracy skills may unlock job opportunities and lead to higher wages or prepare you for further study. They can also help in everyday life, such as helping children with homework and budgeting money.
Further information about the national Multiply campaign can be found by clicking on this link Multiply - Skills for Life
Learn Telford are developing new courses, engagements and taster events as part of their Multiply programme and throughout the year. These will be added to our website here
Why not come and learn a new skill or try a new activity and develop your maths skills at the same time!
Why not join one of our functional skills maths courses that run in a range of community venues across Telford. Small, friendly groups with experienced tutors who will help you work towards a functional skills qualification.
Courses are offered at five levels, up to level 2, and accredited by City and Guilds.
New courses start in September and February each year and you can register your interest on our website.